Virtual Assistant
in the IVR
Integration with
95% sucess in identifying
customer intentions
Virtual Assistant
in the IVR
Integration with
95% success
in identifying customer intentions
Generali enables people to shape a safer future by caring for their lives and dreams. The Generali Group is one of the most significant players in the global insurance and financial product market. The Group is led in Italy and Assicurazioni Generali, founded in 1831 in Trieste, is the Group’s Parent and principal operating Company.
Characterised from the very outset by a strong international outlook and now present in more than 50 Countries, Generali has consolidated its position among the world’s leading insurance operators, with significant market shares in western Europe – its main area of activity – and particularly in Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland and Central and Eastern Europe.
“The launch of a Natural IVR was held in March 2019. The fact that we were the first in Portugal to start this format was very challenging and ambitious. These were moments that led us to think about how the customer would like to be served and in what way. This challenge is permanent and continuous. Our ambition is to closely monitor the needs of customers and the evolution that society imposes on the individual”.
Ana Pinto
CDSC - Customer Service Department
Contact Centers in the insurance industry are vital. Customer service and interaction with the customer is a cornerstone in the quality of services and is based on the various communication channels that Tranquilidade makes available to its customers and partners.